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Base fields

Base fields are data driven fields you choose depending on the type of input. You can use these directly in your application forms.

import { Field } from '@dnb/eufemia/extensions/forms'
render(<Field.String label="Name" />)


Field.ArraySelection is a component for selecting between a fixed set of options using a dropdown, checkboxes or similar, that will produce a value in the form of an array containing the values of selected options.


Field.Boolean is the base component for receiving user input where the target data is of type boolean.


Field.Number is the base component for receiving user input where the target data is of type number.


Field.Option is a wrapper component for selecting an option to be used in a dropdown or similar user experiences.


Field.Selection is a wrapper component for selecting between options using a dropdown or similar user experiences.


Field.String is the base component for receiving user input where the target data is of type string.


Field.Toggle is a base component for allowing the user to toggle between two different values in the target data point.