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SASS and mixins

All CSS helper classes are to be found in src/style/core/helper-classes/helper-classes.scss Most helper classes are SCSS mixins which are then applied to the class when invoked.

You can import Eufemia mixins directly into your SCSS styles:

@import '@dnb/eufemia/style/core/utilities.scss';
/** State handling */
@include hover {
@include focus {
@include active {
* Media Queries and Breakpoints
* More info can be found in the sections below
@include allBelow(large) {
@include allAbove(small) {
@include allBetween(small) {
/** Screen Reader Only */
@include srOnly() {
} // .dnb-sr-only
/** Browser Checks */
@include IS_EDGE {
@include IS_FF {
@include IS_CHROME {
/** Eufemia DropShadow */
@include defaultDropShadow();
/** Eufemia Border helpers */
@include focusRing(
/* $whatinput: 'keyboard', $color: var(--color-emerald-green), $inset: inset */
@include extendFocusRing(
/* $first-color: null, $second-color: null, width: 0.0625rem */
@include fakeBorder(
/* $color: var(--color-emerald-green), $width: 0.0625rem, $inset: inset */
/** Scroll behavior */
@include scrollY(/* $mode: scroll */);
@include scrollX(/* $mode: scroll */);
@include hideScrollbar();
@include scrollbarAppearance();
/** Reset fieldset styles */
@include fieldsetReset();

Media queries and Breakpoints

Use the allAbove, allBelow and allBetween mixins to add media queries to your css.

@import '@dnb/eufemia/style/core/utilities.scss';
@include allBelow(small) {
@include allBetween(small, medium) {
@include allAbove(medium) {

$breakpoints is a key-value map containing all the available sizes for media queries

@import '@dnb/eufemia/style/core/utilities.scss';
// getting a size from $breakpoints
div {
max-width: map-get($breakpoints, medium);

Custom offset

You can either change the default value $breakpoint-offset (default: 0) from utilities.scss, or send in a custom offset to the mixin.

@import '@dnb/eufemia/style/core/utilities.scss';
// Change the default offset (default: 0)
$breakpoint-offset: 10em;
// Will use the new default offset, adding 10em to the size
@include allBelow(large) {
// You can also simply send in a custom offset
@include allBelow(large, -5em) {

Custom size

You can either change the default values in the $breakpoints array from utilities.scss, or send in a custom size to the mixin.

@import '@dnb/eufemia/style/core/utilities.scss';
// Change default sizes
$breakpoints: map-merge(
// redefine a size
'medium': 40em,
// add an offset to the original value
'large': map-get($breakpoints, large) + 5em
// Will use the new default 'large' size of 90em
@include allBelow(large) {
// You can also simply send in a custom size
@include allBelow(90em) {

<fieldset> CSS reset

Removes default styling on a fieldset element.

@include fieldsetReset($checkSpaceProps: boolean)

If true is given, it will handle margin gracefully by checking for e.g. dnb-space__top-- and not reset if this class exists.

I'm a fieldset without styling.